Def Stan 61-12 Pt4 (7-2) - Military-Grade Sub-Miniature Cable -…
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Def Stan 61 12 Pt4 7 2 Cross Section
Def Stan 61 12 Pt4 7 2

Def Stan 61-12 Pt4 (7-2)


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Sub-miniature cables originally designed for use by the military, they are now also widely used in industry for instrumentation, data, and process control, etc.
Conductor: 7/0.2mm tinned annealed Cu conductor, Insulation: Polyvinyl-chloride (PVC) insulation, Screen: Screened or unscreened according to variant, Sheath: Polyvinyl-chloride (PVC). Also available in LSF/LSOH options. Sheath Colour: Black
Technical Data

Voltage Grade: 440v

Temperature Range: 0°C to +70°C

Screen Options:

A: Unscreened

C: Collective tinned Cu wire braid

D: Individual tinned Cu wire braid

S: Collective aluminium foil tape

Max. Current Rating: 1 amp

Approvals/Standards: Defence standard 61-12 Pt. 4


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